THARS – Teaching Business Skills for Trauma Healing

THARS stands for Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Services -a reflection of the devastating violence that the country experienced. Between 1993 and 2005 an estimated 300,000 people died violently. Burundi is the poorest country in the world, and least developed. Small and land-locked country, most people live in rural areas and practice subsistence agriculture.
THARS has worked to address the trauma that so many experienced. Recently they realized that as people recover from trauma, and can begin to see a future, they need help building basic business skills so they can improve quality of life and livelihood. This has led the way to our partnership with the Street Business School.
We have been running the business school for 2 years now. This year (2024) there were 3 cohorts – each 30 students making a total of 90. Participants are 18 – 35 years old, intelligent and motivated, but lacking in education. This program provides the missing link to success. Studies generally have families, are a mix of men and women (we have trained slightly more women than men so far) who already work, earning minimal amounts of money. Once a month over a 6-month period the students come together for a weekend of training, then go back to their villages to complete homework assignments (e.g. market research, business idea, business plan etc.) They are fed and lodged over the training weekend. In between sessions, our two trainers go out to the villages to meet with students in their homes and/or places of business to mentor and coach.
THARS has 23 locations around Burundi. At this point we are operating in 1 only. Each school costs just under $20,000 CAD to set up and operate. Expenses include the cost of two trainers, travel for coaching and mentoring visits, weekend accommodation and meals (6 weekends x 30 students), training materials and supplies, internet etc.)

Our Goal this Year?
Expand to 4 new locations in Burundi. Total required: $120,000 CAD